Minecraft legend of zelda majora's mask nintendo 64 version downloadable map
Minecraft legend of zelda majora's mask nintendo 64 version downloadable map

minecraft legend of zelda majora

So instead of 1 hour and 30 minutes you have 6 hours. Play a little song that's been taught to you in the town in the very first part of the game on it and you have 4x time. First and best: You can slowdown the time right from the beginning of the game when you get the first item: the ocarina. So, you had many opportunities to find him, but you looked once, thought there was nothing, and didn't look all the time limit haters: There are many ways to make all the haters shut up. From Day 1 on every night from 8pm till morning.

  • Sat 28th Mar The hand in the toilet is always there in the evening.
  • Then perhaps I could've looked passed all its other shortcomings, and be fully capable of enjoying this otherwise horrible game. If only everytime you completed a side quest - when you helped to fix someone's mess of a life - that they would remain fixed, instead of having to endure the pain of knowing that anything you do to help these people will ultimately prove futile.

    minecraft legend of zelda majora

    If only the grand effects you made on the game world would remain for you to admire everytime you passed by. If only the dungeons would remain completed. To be quite honest, I might have still enjoyed it if there simply was a way for the things you do to become permanent somehow. Sadly, after I actually played it, I began to realize how horribly annoying it really is. The irony is that this is actually the first Zelda I had ever played, and, when messing around with the masks on other people's saves, it had become my personal favorite for many years. If it just didn't have that stupid time limit that essentially reset the game every hour or so, this game would've beaten the likes of Ocarina and Twilight Princess by a mile. Which is a real shame, since otherwise it was a really great game. The time element really ruined every facet of the game for me. I love Zelda, but I simply cannot enjoy this game. Ugh, my least favorite entry in the series.

    Minecraft legend of zelda majora's mask nintendo 64 version downloadable map