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There’s some stuff to be excited about here, but as an Overwatch fan who really enjoys the lore and the characters, I’m pretty disappointed to hear Blizzard doesn’t seem to be prioritizing its PvE content at all. Keller says this largely came as part of the Overwatch 2 team prioritizing the live game and devoting resources to that.īlizzard laid out the broad strokes of what to expect from season 7 and beyond, including a new tank character, another collaboration similar to the One Punch Man event, a new Control map, a new Winter event, new Hero Mastery Missions, reworks for Roadhog and Sombra, the return of “fan favorite” modes, new cinematics, the return of competitive Mystery Heroes, and a lore codex so you can keep track of the story that will hopefully matter after more of the story actually starts rolling out. This includes removing the dedicated hero mode and talent trees that would’ve let players customize their character’s abilities to do silly twists on established attacks, like changing Mei’s Cryo-Freeze into a rolling snowball that does damage to enemies as it rolls over them.

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Notably, some key aspects of the originally pitched PvE content won’t make it to the live game. Also planned for season 6 is a new support hero, a new event called Flashpoint, and Hero Mastery, which will give you hero-specific training modules to run through solo. Game developer Aaron Keller says these missions will kickstart a new story arc within the Overwatch universe. Season 6 is where the version of Overwatch 2 Blizzard announced back in 2019 finally starts to kick off, as the team will finally add story missions as part of its seasonal rollout.

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The Overwatch 2 roadmap shows plans for seasons 5-7.

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